LISS, HIIT, or VO2 Max – What type of cardio is best?

We talk a lot about strength training, and it can get misinterpreted as “strength vs. cardio”, when the reality is it’s about getting the right amounts of BOTH.
The rider, the elephant, and the path

When it comes to behaviour change – whether it’s breaking old habits, building new ones, or improving the ones you’ve got – I have a powerful analogy for you. An elephant rider guiding their elephant down a path in the forest. The Rider loves to contemplate, analyze and plan, often with a bias towards the […]
A simple approach to health and fitness

Kickstart your health this year with simple, sustainable habits: stay active with strength training and cardio, fuel up on protein and veggies, prioritize sleep, limit alcohol, and focus on a positive mindset. Small, consistent steps lead to lasting well-being!
Embrace the New Year: Jumpstart 2025 with a Strong Mindset

As the year comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect, celebrate achievements, and set clear goals for the year ahead. Whether you’ve made big career moves, built healthy habits, or faced unexpected challenges, December offers a chance to reset and refocus.
In this blog, discover four tips to kickstart 2025 with confidence—reflect on your progress, set SMART goals, establish routines, and cultivate positivity. Let’s welcome the new year with clarity, determination, and a mindset for success!
How is strength training good for your bones?

When you think of strength training, you might picture big muscles or sleek physiques, right? But did you know that hitting the weights could also be one of the best things you can do for your bones?
What is your Keystone Habit?

If you are looking to get healthier, lose fat, or start an exercise routine, you know that “going on a diet” or “doing a program for a month” doesn’t work long-term. You know that habits – making it so engrained in you that it feels weird to NOT do it – are the key to […]
Eat this for staying healthy, losing fat, and building muscle

One of my go-tos for making health and fitness as simple and easy as possible is a protein shake.
Or in my case, a delicious smoothie.
They are quick and easy to make, a very affordable source of extremely high quality protein, you can make simple tweaks depending on your goal, and best of all are easy to transport.
4 Levels of Exercise for Different Results

One of the great things about exercise is that any level of it is good. And, depending on the type and speed of results you want, some things are better than others. So here’s a peek into my mind about how I think about the “Levels of Exercise” for different results.
Boosting Your Mental Health Through Regular Training

Today I want to highlight the powerful connection between regular exercise and improved mental health.
My Top 5 Habits for a Healthier Day

I’ve spent the first half of this year dialing in my habits. Although I’m impatient as hell and want results yesterday, I know that great things take time, particularly if you want to sustain the results. And I’m no longer interested in easy-come-easy-go results. It’s just not worth it to me. So I wanted to […]