There is a lot more to fitness than losing fat.

Getting stronger, reducing aches and pains, improving sleep and energy levels, and improved hormones are all key benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

And losing a few pounds of fat along the way is always a nice cherry on top.

Today I wanted to share the 5 things I did to lose 5 lbs of fat in a month with almost no extra effort.

And yeah, I know 5 lbs of fat isn’t making the headlines. It’s not nearly as marketable as “how I lost 30 lbs overnight with this one simple trick”.

But what they don’t show you in that headline is how unsustainable all the changes were and how 99% of the time the subject regained the same amount of weight shortly after.

The before and afters look amazing.

But the “after-after” is what really matters. Where are you 6 months after you did the thing?

I’ll die on the hill that it’s better to make slow and steady progress and maintain the results than it is to have life-changing results to regress to the same place immediately after and continue the pattern of yo-yoing.

But that’s just me ;).

If effortless slow and steady results resonate with you, check out the video below to see how I did it so you can adopt some of the same habits for your own results.

Are you tired of yo-yoing and are ready to make lasting, sustainable changes? Click HERE to book a call and see how we can help.

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