
It happens every year.

Your weekends start to fill up with holiday parties and gatherings.  Some you want to go to and… well… some you don’t.  But you go anyway because of some adult obligation that you feel.

A good friend of mine calls it “adulting”.

It happens to all of us.

And each holiday season that passes usually adds about 5 – 10 pounds to our waistlines.

My clients often share with me that they have some sort of anxiety about these holiday parties.  They want to go and socialize, but they don’t want to stuff their face with sugary or fatty foods and feel like crap afterward. Even though they want to go they don’t want all their hard work to go down the drain.  They worked hard for their results and don’t want the holidays to spoil everything.

I get it.  I used to feel the exact same way.

In fact, for a long time I just avoided going to holiday parties at all. Then I realized I was missing out on a lot of fun and memory-making with my friends and family.

Over the years I learned a few tricks that worked for me and that is what I want to share with you today.

Here Are 5 Holiday Party Hacks That Allowed Me to Go to Parties Without Gaining Extra Weight

The holidays should be enjoyed. I’d much rather you have fun, be silly, and make memories than worry about gaining 5 pounds.

But I also know that you worked hard for your results and this year you may be worried a bit more than usual about these parties.

So take these 5 holiday party hacks and enjoy your holiday season!

Maybe you’re looking to get a jump start on 2023.

Maybe you’re ready to start a healthy lifestyle now.

I don’t blame you and in fact, starting now will put you in a great position come the New Year.

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