With summer just around the corner it’s also the time of year where schedules fill up and outdoor activity can take precedence over strength training.

I’m all for it – I view the gym as a catalyst for a better quality life, and am personally really, really excited for the family backcountry camping trips we’ve got planned.

Where you tend to go wrong is completely flipping the switch.

For instance going from 2-3 strength based workouts a week to 0 because there is more hiking and activity and “everything is feeling good”.

Yes, both are physical activity, but they fill different buckets and address different needs.

It’s like wearing a second pair of pants if you can’t find a shirt – it just doesn’t work that way.

Here’s a mental framework I was discussing with a member when it came to balancing fitness with summer activities so you don’t lose the progress you’ve made or feel like you’re restarting again.

Have questions about the best way to arrange your Park Bench or Bus Bench workouts? Connect with us CLICK HERE =)

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