I own a gym. I’m in good shape.
Most people would think I must love exercise if I went so far as to own a business dedicated to it, right?

The funny part is, I don’t really like exercise.

I was into art, music, and video games when I was younger, not sports.

I have all sorts of aches and pains ranging from bulging discs in my lower back to torn ligaments in my knee to hereditary nerve problems.

I never identified as a “fit” person, and I think this is what makes me a good coach – I’ve had the struggles you’ve had so I can help you navigate them with ease.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t really like exercise.

But I LOVE what it can do for you.

My day is better.

My aches and pains don’t ache or pain.

I’m more optimistic, happier, more capable, and have “go all day” energy.

If exercise and strength training were a drug, it would be the most prescribed drug on the planet.

Strength training is a catalyst for a better life, and it’s never more apparent than this time of year when we’re getting more active and noticing more issues as we shake off the cobwebs of a sedentary winter.

The hangup is getting started so you can feel the benefits if you aren’t a gym person.

If you’ve ever thought “I just don’t like exercise”…

… Today’s video is for you.

I’ve got 2 strategies to help you get the most out of your health and fitness, even if you don’t like the gym.

After all, our fitness problems all start as mindset problems

Let’s address the root cause.

If you don’t like exercise but want all the benefits, CLICK HERE to talk to a trainer and we’ll connect!

For this, and other helpful fitness and health tips, bookmark our blog.

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