We idolize so many people and things in our culture.

Both men and women want to look like fitness models – even though they know deceitful tricks are used to get the models to look the way they do (Photoshop and dehydration being two biggies).

Marvel Comics has a multi-billion dollar enterprise creating comic books, action figures, and movies about super heroes.

We love to look at others and want what they have. We even do this with friends, family members, or strangers. We wish we were as good at cooking as they were.  We wish we could afford a house like them.  We wish our kids would be as polite as their kids.  We wish we had their personality or body type.

Imagine if we could pick who we were. 

Imagine being able to stroll down an aisle at the local mall to pick out everything from eye color, to salary, to personality traits, and so on.

In some ways we can pick things out.

Eye color can be changed with colored contacts (I’m not endorsing this… I’m just saying there is an option). Salary can be affected by getting a new job, negotiating with your current boss, getting more education, or switching careers entirely.

And a really cool thing is that we can change our health and our body in many instances as well.

It’s totally possible to commit to a health and fitness program that delivers results.

It’s totally possible to drop 50 pounds, or improve our cardiovascular system and heart health, build muscle and tone, become more flexible, or lower our cholesterol.

All of these things are possible…and you don’t need a super hero to save you.

You can be your own hero.

You can do the work it takes to be the person you want to be and live this life in the body you want.

You can do it.

You have all that you need already inside of you: the desire, the vision, and the ability to do the work.

You can be a hero to yourself… to your kids… to your sister-in-law… to your neighbor…

You can be the person other’s look at and say, “Gosh, I wish I had her (body, health, stamina, determination, ability to take action, etc).”

Things really start to change when we finally decide to step up and treat ourselves as being capable.

You are a super hero – you just didn’t know it before now – and you have the ability to transform your life and positively affect those that mean the world to you.

The best part about this is, once you step up and decide to be your own hero, the methods to get to your goals are there.

It’s all been done before by people just like you, and there are countless proven systems out there to help you get leaner, build muscle and tone, get stronger, reduce aches and pains, improve energy… you name it, it’s been done!

Like Batman, some people prefer to go alone on their super-hero journey. Others are more like the Avengers – they want other heroes to work with as a team to support each other.

There is no right or wrong way to do it – it’s critical to find what works for you. The catch is, it actually has to work.

If you prefer the accountability, and community, that comes with the team approach, please get in touch to chat about your goals. We have a team of super heroes, just like you, at LSFW who can help guide you on your journey.

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