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When it comes to hydration I bet you’re on the same page as me – drinking enough water is important, buuuuuuut you don’t always get enough every day.
Here’s 3 ways to increase your water intake so you can have more energy, less brain fog, and feel better.
- Water Before Coffee – Have a big glass of water before you have a sip of your morning tea or coffee. I have a love/hate relationship with this, as I look forward to my coffee every morning and this simply delays my first cup.That’s also why it’s such a good approach, as you’re “Habit Stacking” – taking an existing habit (coffee) and stacking it with a new one (water) so it will stick.
- Add Time of Day to your Water Bottle – you’ve probably seen the water bottles with the time markings on them…“Drink to here by 10am, to here by noon” etc.One of the keys to success with any habit is keeping it top of mind. Hard to forget when it’s written on the bottle!You can buy one of these bottles, or DIY it with a sharpie on one you already own!
- Swap _____ for Water – Ah yes, everyone’s least favorite but one of the most impactful strategies out there.If you consume alcohol, juices, pop, or pretty much any beverage with calories in it, consider swapping some of those drinks for water. You can fancy it up and use bubbly water with lime as a great alcohol substitute if you want!This has the triple whammy of reducing your calories via less sugar from less drinks, reducing your alcohol so you sleep better, and keeping you hydrated to feel great.You might be scoffing at this one, and I challenge you to give it a shot, especially this time of year when there is nothing better than a patio beer with loved ones
Which of these 3 resonates with you?
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