As we’ve been talking about sleep and its importance for health and fitness results, we’ve received lots of questions from peri-menopausal women about how to manage sleep during menopause. Conveniently (as you may know) we work primarily with people exactly in that age range, and even better we’ve got the exceptional and intelligent coach Pam who is an expert in that department with personal experience.  I asked her: “Hey Pam, what are the top 5 things our clients going through menopause can do to get a better night’s sleep so they can feel their best?” Here is what she’s got for you:

  1. Let the Morning Light In: Start your day by getting outside in the morning or, at the very least, open all your window coverings. Specialized cells in your retinas tell your brain to stop producing melatonin when exposed to natural light. The body’s master clock will start to produce it again for sleep about 14 hours later to give you a consistent routine.
  2. Check Your B Vitamins: Get your Vitamin B6 and B12 levels checked regularly. These two play a crucial part in both serotonin and melatonin production. B12, in particular, is less readily absorbed as time goes on, so keeping an eye on your levels can make a big difference!
  3. Adjust your eating patterns: Eat like a queen at breakfast, a princess at lunch, and a pauper at dinner. Your body rests more effectively when it isn’t working hard to digest a heavy meal at night (as you know if you’re a late-night snacker).
  4. Embrace Tryptophan-Rich Foods: Incorporate foods rich in tryptophan into your diet, such as tuna, milk, turkey, chicken, cheese, oats, and bananas. Interestingly, most of these are also high in protein, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the night leading to an even better sleep.
  5. Stay Cozy with a Dual-Controlled Heated Blanket: Consider investing in a dual-controlled heated blanket. This nifty gadget allows both individuals to set their preferred temperature, ensuring you’re both comfortable throughout the night!

Sleep is vital, especially during the challenging transition of menopause.  Pam’s expert tips are tailored to help you get the quality sleep you deserve. If you have more questions or need further guidance, click HERE to book a call to see how we can help! Ben

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