In the journey towards a healthier lifestyle, we all encounter bumps in the road that can throw us off track.

I’ve had a few chats lately with some members about their progress since the New Year. 

Some are motoring along and hitting their goals, others are falling a bit behind and having a hard time staying on track.

Whether it’s a lack of motivation, plateaus in progress, or just a general feeling of being stuck. 

We’ve all been there.

Recognizing this common struggle, I turned to our knowledgeable coaches for their expertise on overcoming this hurdle, and here is what they recommend: 

  1. Reflect on your “Why”: Coach Justin recommends you revisit your initial motivations. Understanding the deeper reasons behind your fitness journey can help rekindle your passion and find renewed purpose in your workouts.If you started because you want to be able to play and keep up with your grand babies, or you just want to be able to go up and down the stairs easily with no pain. These are the things you have to think about and remind yourself WHY you are doing it.
  2. Rediscover Joyful Activities: Coach Pam advocates for incorporating activities that bring joy and excitement into your life. Whether it’s revisiting a favorite sport or dance. Infusing enjoyment back into your routine can break the cycle and make things more sustainable.A member at Lean Strong just started playing ping-pong again one night a week. At the young age of 75, she can rediscover a passion that keeps her moving, feeling young, and overall having fun. A great way to spice up your exercise.
  3. Celebrating Small Wins: Coach Rebecca highlights the significance of setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories. Progress doesn’t always manifest in dramatic changes, and recognizing and appreciating incremental success can reinvigorate motivation. 

Made it to the gym today? Only 20 minutes of exercise today? Ate breakfast today? All progress is good progress, no matter how big or small. Take the time to celebrate those small victories.

Remember, it’s completely normal to experience a rut, but you are certainly not alone. 

Stay committed, stay motivated, and let’s conquer the fitness rut together!

Click HERE to set up a call and see how we can help you get out of that fitness rut!

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