The following is a guest post from Lean Strong Fitness alumna, Erica Eugenio.
You find yourself in a slump.
You can’t hit that home run.
You can’t lift that weight.
You can’t run that race…
Why can’t you?
Of course, the answer could be there is a physical limitation preventing you from achieving what you want, but when there is no physical limitation, the answer may be that your own mind is getting in the way.
In order to succeed, you have to believe in yourself, see yourself, and have a process set out to get there.

You need to be confident in yourself in order to succeed. While progressing through the new skills you are learning, your self-confidence will also improve. Be confident in your goals and go for them!
Find your cheering section – someone who can show you that you can succeed and who can coach you along the way.
Remember ‘The Little Engine That Could’?
If you think you can, you can. Your cheering section knows you can. The more you do and the more you succeed, the stronger your self-confidence becomes.
Self-Confidence Tip: It’s a great idea to track your progress to see how far you have come. But also, on those days when you think you can’t, look back on your progress and reflect on what you have already accomplished.
I work with a lot of people with low self-confidence. I had a client come in recently with a lot of “cant’s”.
She can’t have a difficult conversation with someone. She can’t go to the gym. She can’t lose weight.
Everything was just too hard. We focused on what it would take to be able to do those things – practice and script the conversation, book a time to go to the gym in her schedule, and start with a small diet change.
The next session she came in and said “I did it.” My response to her was “I knew you could.”

Imagery and visualization are used a lot in stress management. To reduce stress you take yourself to your “safe space” and use all of your senses to be in that space. Bring relaxation onto yourself. Once you are relaxed, imagine what you are going to do – you are going to lift that weight, you are going to complete that run, you are going to get that job.
Picture yourself doing it and succeeding. You picture each movement, each step, each feel, each sound, each answer you are going to give.
I’ll give you an example of how I have used visualization. When I was rowing with Bayside Rowing Club, I spent a lot of time visualizing – the water, staying in rhythm, balancing the boat, each rhythmic movement of each stroke, skimming the water. When I thought too hard about what I was doing, the technique fell apart.
How are you going to get to where you are going?
Think about the steps you are going to take and what they are going to look like. The end goal will only be there, if you know how you are going to get there. Your road may not be straight, you may end up in the ditch occasionally, but you get back on the road and continue.
What steps or techniques do you need to master before proceeding to the next step? If you don’t know the process, ask someone who can help you along the way.
You will get there, if you believe in yourself, visualize yourself there, and have a process to get there.

Try This Now: I want you to close your eyes and imagine your end goal. ‘
What does your life look like?
What are you doing?
What is different then than it is now?
Open your eyes and write this down. Next, close your eyes again and imagine the steps to get there.
Who do you need to be in contact with?
Who is your competition?
Who might be able to help?
How are you behaving?
When do you want to achieve this by?
Open your eyes and write down what you came up with. You now have a working process that you can start putting into place!
Erica is a social worker and therapist with Eugenio Counselling Services. To connect with Erica, you can reach her at the following:
Email: erica@eugeniocounselling.ca
Phone: 226-343-7888
Website: eugeniocounselling.ca